Cognitive Learning in Science Group (Clement et al.)

Creative Model Construction in Scientists and Students: The Role of Imagery, Analogy, and Mental Simulation

This monograph presents a theory of creativity and imagery-based conceptual learning in science that was developed on the basis of think-aloud protocols from experts and students.

Model Based Learning and Instruction in Science

This book is a collection of chapters by our research team describing new, model-based teaching methods for science instruction. It presents research on their characteristics and effectiveness, exploring them in a very diverse group of settings: middle school biology, high school physics, and college chemistry classrooms.

Clement Authors Three New Books

John Clement and colleagues have three new books out.

Deepening Conceptual Understanding in Middle School Life Science

This NSF project is completing a model-based curriculum on Energy and the Human Body at the middle school level and investigating ways of teaching complex visual models in science.

Model Construction Processes in Experts

This project complements and provides input to our science education projects by attempting to understand model construction and learning processes in expert scientists, with an emphasis on the roles of analogy, imagery, and thought experiments.

Visual Modeling Strategies in Science Teaching

Finding principles of instruction for developing students' visualizable models in science
This NSF-funded project seeks principles of instruction for developing students' visualizable models in science, including design principles for curriculum development, technological tools, and new pedagogical principles.

Clement Receives National Award for Research in Science Teaching

SRRI's own John Clement has received the Distinguished Contributions to Science Education Through Research Award from the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST).

Preconceptions in Mechanics

Lessons dealing with conceptual difficulties

by Charles Camp and John Clement. Contributing authors: David Brown, Kimberly Gonzalez, John Kudukey, James Minstrell, Klaus Schultz, Melvin Steinberg, Valerie Veneman, and Aletta Zietsman. College Park, MD: American Association of Physics Teachers. Second Edition 2010.

The nine units in this high school physics curriculum focus on areas where students have exhibited qualitative preconceptions --- ideas that they bring to class with them prior to instruction in physics. Research has shown that certain preconceptions conflict with the physicist's point of view. It has also shown that some of these conflicting preconceptions are quite persistent and seem to resist change in the face of normal instructional techniques. The motivating idea for this book is to provide a set of lessons that are aimed specifically at these particularly troublesome areas and that use special techniques for dealing with them. Ideas in the lessons can be used to supplement any course that includes mechanics.

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