For a project that has been finished (or at least defined to be over).
A Middle School Life Science Curriculum
Energy in the Human Body is an exciting curriculum for grades 6-8 based on learning theory.
Contact: John Clement
Funding: NSF DRK-12 Program, DRL- 1222709
This monograph presents a theory of creativity and imagery-based conceptual learning in science that was developed on the basis of think-aloud protocols from experts and students.
This book is a collection of chapters by our research team describing new, model-based teaching methods for science instruction. It presents research on their characteristics and effectiveness, exploring them in a very diverse group of settings: middle school biology, high school physics, and college chemistry classrooms.
S-CASTS: System for Collaboration among Students, Teachers and System is a collaboration between UMass,
TERC, and Artificial Intelligence researchers at Harvard. We are investigating the use of models of collaboration, especially as embodied in collaborative human-computer interface systems, in the augmentation of existing flexible software tools for mathematics education.

DataScope® was a Macintosh Classic data-analysis program from the 1990s with accompanying data sets and instructional activities for grades 9-13.
Investigate statistical intuitions of college students
Understanding of Basic Statistical Concepts
NSF Grant BNS-8509991 (1985 - 88)
Cognitive Skills Underlying Statistical Inference
NSF Grant SED-8113323 (1981 - 85)
Program of Applied Research on Scientific Reasoning Processes
NSF Grant SED-8016567 (1980 - 83)
Role of Preconceptions and Representational Transformations in Understanding Science and Mathematics
NSF Grant BNS-8509991 (1978 - 80)
In these four projects We used primarily clinical interviews to investigate statistical intuitions of college students.
Students Analyzing Data: A Study of Critical Barriers
This study was funded under the Small Grant for Exploratory Research Program at NSF.
A Study of Student Investigations in Data-Sharing Projects
The primary objectives of this research project were to a) identify the core ideas in rudimentary data analysis, b) research the methods students typically employ to compare two groups or judge the relationship between two variables, and c) identify features of data and tasks that we should attend to in designing instruction. Our research was aimed at informing teachers as well as the development of future data analysis projects, materials, software, and teacher development efforts.
A Computer-Based Curriculum in Probability and Statistics
ChancePlus was a four-year project to develop and field test materials for teaching probability and statistics at the high-school level using computers.